ESG Reporting Hub
DaVita values accountability and integrity. Our ESG Reporting Hub contains key reports and resources related to our ESG (environmental, social and governance) and CSR (corporate social responsibility) programs, policies, goals and progress.
ESG at DaVita
ESG Governance Structure:
The Nominating and Governance Committee of DaVita’s Board of Directors (the “Board”) oversees DaVita’s activities, policies and programs related to corporate environmental and social responsibility. Our management ESG Steering Committee, comprised of leaders with diverse perspectives from across the business, is responsible for aligning ESG strategy across the company.
Other essential ESG Steering Committee responsibilities include:
Providing guidance on strategy and disclosures for ESG initiatives.
Reporting to the Nominating and Governance Committee on a regular basis.
Providing periodic reports to the Audit Committee on the process for ESG-related public reporting, including reporting controls.
Providing an ESG report to the full Board no less than once per year.
ESG Strategy
In 2021 we conducted a prioritization assessment to identify the economic, environmental, and social issues that are most important to our organization and our stakeholders. We surveyed our teammates, interviewed senior leaders, benchmarked industry peers and leveraged external expertise, including the SASB recommended metrics for health care service providers, which includes investor feedback. This input helped us to identify our five ESG strategic focus areas and key initiatives within each.
ESG Focus Area:
Patient Care
Quality of Care
Patient Experience
Patient Education
Health Equity
Teammate Engagement
Diversity & Belonging
Teammate Development
The DaVita Way
Environmental Stewardship
Carbon Emissions Reduction
Water & Waste Reduction
Healthy Communities
Charitable Giving
Leading with Integrity & Accountability
Compliance, Ethics & Governance
Data Privacy
Supply Chain
Our 2025 Goals
In 2021, we published a series of ESG goals to achieve by 2025, many of which are aspirational, and the hard work it will take to meet them has only begun. While we recognize that it may be difficult to achieve some of these ambitious goals during the timeframe, we believe there is value in striving for them. Please see our 2023 Community Care Report for a full list of our achievements to date.

Patient Care
Provide industry-leading care so that our patients can live their best lives
Lead the industry in external quality ratings
25% of patients choose to dialyze at home*
Achieve greater health equity for our patients
Patient Net Promoter score (NPS) of 50 or higher
Educate more than 100,000 patients in a Kidney Smart class
* Modality selections and decisions related to a patient’s care are always made by the attending nephrologist and patient and provided pursuant to a physician’s order
Teammate Engagement
Be recognized as a best-in-class employer of choice
Teammate engagement score of 84% or higher
Sustain equal pay for equal work
Meet or exceed EEO-1 benchmarks for all levels
Provide learning and development programs to more than 95% of teammates each year
Increase participation to 50% of teammates participating in health and well-being programming
Maintain focus and leadership on belonging

Environmental Stewardship
Reduce our carbon footprint in alignment with Science-Based Targets
1. Via on-site renewable energy and/or virtual Power Purchase Agreements
2. As compared to a 2018 baseline

100% powered by renewable energy globally
Reduce carbon emissions by 50%
Save 240 million gallons of water
Implement recycling at 100% of U.S. facilities where permitted
Vendors representing 70% of supply chain emissions set climate change goals
Teammates to complete 70,000 Green Actions

Healthy Communities
Spread ripples of citizen leadership throughout our local communities
125,000 hours of volunteerism
Enhance our impact through strategic giving focus areas

Leading with Integrity and Accountability
Do the right thing by operating from a foundation of compliance and ethics
Ensure that compliance remains an enterprise priority by maintaining a strong culture of compliance
Continue to ensure that teammates and directors complete compliance training and review the code of conduct annually
Continue to ensure that new teammates complete compliance training and review the code of conduct within 60 days of hire
Continue to ensure that all medical directors and joint venture partners receive annual compliance training
Key ESG Reports
Archived Reports
For more information on our 2023 corporate citizenship initiatives, please visit our ESG Reporting Hub or download our full Community Care ESG Report. Unless otherwise indicated, the data included in this report is as of December 31, 2023 for the Company’s consolidated operations.